From their beginnings in the dreary North of England, to the development as the forerunners of gothic doom metal with their legendary 1991 album, Gothic through their dalliance with the fringes of the European rock mainstream, Paradise Lost had the metal world at its fingertips. Their need to experiment, however, took them down paths few bands dared to travel.
Paradise Lost vocalist and co-founder Nick Holmes calls No Celebration, “a very in-depth, informative and—from my point of view—nostalgic look at the last 30 years of the band. Many of the stories feel like they were yesterday, and although it serves as a reminder that life is short, I also wouldn’t change a thing. Well, not much anyhow.”
Author David E. Gehlke (Damn the Machine: The Story of Noise Records) takes readers into the depths of one of metal’s most enduring and rewarding bands. Including a foreword from Bolt Thrower/Memoriam UK frontman Karl Willetts.